Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Irrationality, stupidity, or malice in the Obama Administration?

I don't know whether this administration is intentionally malicious, or just stupid beyond belief.  We have a Muslim country (Egypt) doing more to protect and avenge Christians in the Middle East than our own country.  Our own pResident refuses to say the Islamic state is Islamic.  His dull-witted Deputy State Department Spokesperson, Marie Harf, says we can't win a war against ISIS by killing them. Apparently, she believes we need to make sure they have jobs.  That's a double joke because our pResident has done all he can to destroy our economy, and any recovery we have sustained since the 2008 meltdown has been despite his policies.  Given this administration's track record on immigration, they'll probably have jobs here in the U.S. before long.  Every job created since the beginning of the Great Recession has been taken, or at least offset, by an illegal immigrant.  With his open borders policy, those immigrants could just as easily be Islamic terrorists as Central American farm workers.

Don't forget, if you need a lawyer in Lee's Summit, Missouri, there isn't a better one than the Law Offices of Dennis Bonner & Associates.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Obama Administration Is Trying to Screw Up WiFi and Broadband Internet Access

I do not believe there is any aspect of our lives that the Obama administration will not attempt to screw up, take over, or make more expensive.

First, why is the Department of (In)justice involved with the IEEE standards process, especially as it pertains to WiFi?  Could it be that the big companies pushing for these changes are intimate with this administration?

Obama's Government Takeover of WiFi

Second, this administration has re-defined what broadband internet access means.  The FCC now says that anything under 25MBps is not broadband.  Don't those idiots know that redefining a term doesn't change the reality of it?

The FCC Redefines Broadband

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